Teen Driver's Education (15-17 years old)
Parent or legal guardian must be present and show proof of T.E.A. / V.O.E (verification of enrollment ) form from the public or private school of attendance.
Registration for these classes begin the week before start date or you can come the first day of class at 5:30pm to register
Please call us for more information
(210) 444-9002
Call for the price (210)444-9002 ​
Program is set up in 2 phases​
Phase 1:
classroom setting 32 hours of classroom instruction *the driving test will given by TDPS*
classroom work includes daily classwork & poster.
Phase 1 class work must be turned in before moving on to phase 2 can be scheduled *Driving time*
Phase 2:
Behind the wheel (In-Car) instruction
$40 additional (Money for gas. Cash)
7 hours driving and 7 hours observing = 14 hours in total
Additional 30 hours of instruction by parent or guardian, 10 hours of night driving and 20 hours day driving
Form for this available at Texas Dept of Public Safety website
Contact school 24 hours prior to cancellation otherwise $20 no-show fee- collected next session
Impact Texas Teen Driver's Ed